Thursday, May 8, 2008

"That we do not lie or deceive..."

Here's what Kieschnick wrote in his letter to The Wall Street Journal:

What is even more disturbing is the false and misleading picture [Mollie Hemingway] presents of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS) as a deeply divided church regarding its mission and ministry.
More importantly, I wish to address the unfortunate comments in the column that The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod is deeply divided and that it is pushing “church marketing” over the historic confessions of the evangelical Lutheran Church.

In truth, last summer the LCMS had its most positive and unified convention in years. Our church remains faithful to the Scriptures and Lutheran Confessions, an integral part of our identity as a church body. As stated in a resolution adopted last summer by the national Synod convention: “From the founding of our Synod 160 years ago, we have been blessed by unity in our common confession and the articles of our shared faith, such as the Trinity, the person and work of Christ, original sin, baptismal regeneration, the real presence of Christ’s body and blood in the Sacrament, the inerrancy of Scripture and many others.”
But here is what he presented to the Council of Presidents on April 21, 2008
Having said that, I am also painfully aware of areas of disagreement in our Synod about which I have spoken and written over the years. Allow me at this time to repeat a portion of my report to the 63rd Regular Convention of our Synod in 2007:
“The Synod’s history reminds us that there have been theological and doctrinal disputes both inside the Synod and between the Synod and other bodies, generating fervent argument and resulting in bitter divisions and fractured fellowships. Yet our Synod has endured in remaining true to our Scriptural and Confessional principles.
“While most of the issues mentioned above [The doctrine of the church and ministry, the nature and authority of the pastoral office, the doctrine of election, the role and function of extra-confessional doctrinal statements in the life of the church, and the authority of Holy Scripture] are no longer in contention, we nevertheless continue to experience in our Synod today disagreement and divisiveness regarding numerous other issues, mostly regarding the practical application of our doctrinal principles."[emphasis added].
So he has "written about" the divisions within the Synod for years? Why then did he write to The Wall Street Journal that we are not divided?


  1. Tim Kuehn said...

    Funny that...

    And if a man can speak in an opposite fashion like that, how can he be believed in any other matter?