Thursday, May 1, 2008

Press Release

David Strand, the Executive Director of the Board for Communication Services of the LCMS issued a press release in the form of a FAQ regarding the "Issues, Etc." brouhaha. The preamble states, "It is hoped that this document will be a step toward reconciliation and peace."

My initial response is, "Why didn't they do this sooner?" If something like this would have been released on Holy Tuesday--the day of the terminations--things might have been different. Hindsight is 20/20, however. And apparently they weren't aware there would be any questions to answer.

My question is, does this document satisfy you? Does it answer your questions?


  1. Anonymous Lutheran said...

    It satisfies me in the sense that it convinces me David Strand really believes this was a business decision, and that he has absolutely no idea why people are so upset by this. He has answered the questions I had about theological motivations as well as can be expected of him, but in doing so he has revealed a profound disconnect between the synod's leadership and its members and local pastors.

  2. Rev. Eric J Brown said...

    The main aspect that doesn't satisfy me is the instanteous cancellation. The business, the numbers, the money - well, if you are mainly volunteer then two full-time employees can be a sizable chunk of your expenses. I've never doubted that there might be financial motives as well.

    However, the idea was put forth that it wasn't that people were terminated, it was just a cancellation that meant people were let go is a horrid explanation. Even if you decide to cancel a show doesn't mean that it must happen at that instant. Just. . . that was poorly done.

  3. SJB said...

    This morning, I ran across what I thought were 2 astute analyses of the differences between those who are staunch confessional Christians and those who are not.

    After reading these thoughtful articles, I came to the conclusion that the reason there is such failure from the synodical leadership to communicate sagely to the issues at hand is because they are completely clueless and as such, it is probably unrealistic for us to expect anything other than useless drivel coming from their desks. They are incapable of giving a straight answer because they hold fast to a different gospel?

    Here are the links to the articles I thought were so terrific. I hope you enjoy them as much as I did. :)

    From Josh

    From Mason