Saturday, August 23, 2008

Saying of the Day

They said of Abba Macarius the Great that he became, as it is written, a god upon earth, because, just as God protects the world, so Abba Macarius would cover the faults which he saw, as though he did not see them; and those which he heard, as though he did not hear them.

Sayings. Macarius the Great. 32

Note: The phrase "a god upon the earth" is a reference to Ps. 82:6, "I said, 'You are "gods"; you are all sons of the Most High;" and 2 Peter 1:4, "...that through these you may be partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust."


  1. Emily H. said...

    I enjoy these Sayings of the Day - keep it up!